Fellowship Bible Church offers Christian Education classes for all ages. These classes provide a way for individuals, couples and families to become connected to others in our church family!
Sunday School classes begin around 10:30 AM, and we offer a variety of classes each quarter. We usually have a sermon discussion class, a topical class, and sometimes offer courses related to marriage and parenting. Current class topics & locations can be found below!
Children & Students
Preschool - 6th Grade
Our Children's Sunday School classes use curriculum from Truth:78.
The Preschool class meets in the nursery.
Kindergarten - 5th Grade classes can be found in our west basement.
The 6th Grade class meets in room 207.
7th-8th Grade
Teacher: Eric Nicholson
Location: Room 205
9th-12th Grade
Teacher: Shawn Allee
Location: East Basement
Adult Classes
Read Through the Bible Women's Class
Leader: Laura Coniglio
Location: Room 206
All women are invited to a new Sunday School class that will read through the Bible together in 2025 and meet together for discussion and encouragement. The group will be using this reading plan and will meet in Room 206. If you have questions, please contact Laura Coniglio or the church office.
Financial Peace University - Starting in January
Teacher: Ben Drost
Location: Office Meeting Room
If you make or spend money, you can learn something from Financial Peace University. The course uses biblical principles to master budgeting, save for emergencies, pay down debt and invest wisely. This class will start January 5. The first week it will be in the Office Meeting Room. If you have questions, you can talk to John Chandler or Ben Drost. If interested, sign up here.
Young Married Couples Class
Teachers: Matt & Jill Larson
Location: Room 203
This class for young married couples will continue meeting through the spring. They are studying what it means to have a Gospel-centered marriage. This class is for those who are soon to be married, newly married or married with young baby(ies). It is based on the book Marriage by Paul David Tripp, but participants are not expected to purchase or read the book.
The Book of John
Teacher: Doug Coniglio
Room 204
This class is working their way through the book of John. Jump in at any time.
Sermon Discussion
These classes will discuss the current sermon. A great class to pop into if you are new to our church or new to attending Sunday School. There are two options:
Facilitator: Mike Broerman
Room 202
Facilitators: Nathan Johnson, Matt Walker
Room 201
Teacher: Dick Drost
The "Sanctuary Class" is currently going through the book of Philippians. You can also join this class at any time.
Have Questions?
We would love to help answer them!