Thank you for your financial support!

At Fellowship Bible Church, we believe financial giving is an act of worship. Tithing is a demonstration of obedience, and an expression of gratefulness for God's generosity to us! We are not giving God a percentage of our money, for God owns it all, and we are merely stewards of it. Tithing is an act of faith to financially support the church, with great expectations of how God will use our gifts to continue building His kingdom.

"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?

Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

1 Chronicles 29:14


Unless designated otherwise, financial contributions will go into our General Fund, which covers our ministry expenses at FBC. There are several other funds you can contribute to which are separate from our general church budget:


  • Missions - We financially support 21 missionaries and missions organizations in our community and around the world. 
  • Benevolence - Also called the Elders' Fund, this money is given to people in need from our church family or in our community.
  • Building - Our new addition is paid for, but you can still contribute to our building fund for future projects.
  • Love Offering - Love offerings are colleted for visiting missionaries or speakers.
  • Pastoral/Missionary Education Scholarship -  This newly established scholarship fund will provide financial assistance to college students studying to become pastors or missionaries. (See the Christian Education Assitance page for more information.)


To contribute to one of those funds, please designate the category and amount on your check memo line, offering envelope or online transaction.


Offering Box

On Sunday mornings, an offering box is located on the wall outside the sanctuary. You can drop a check or cash into the box. To give to an area other than our General Fund, please designate on your check memo line. There are envelopes available if you prefer to use one.

Online Giving

You can give electronically to FBC through our ChurchTrac online platform. You have the option of a direct transfer from a bank account (ACH) or giving by debit card or credit card. You also have the option of a one-time donation or to set up re-occuring donations. To give online, you will have to set up an account using the email address the church has on file for you. If you have any questions about setting up an account or how to give online, please contact Cori in the office.

Want to Give Online?

Click the button to the right to see our online giving options.