Scroll down for Events - Click the Connection Center button for Event Registration, Volunteer Sign-Ups and our Online Directory



Stay up to date with all of the church happenings going on throughout the month! Make sure to check back from time to time, as we are always up to something!




Wednesdays, 6:45-8:15 PM

Awana is for kids Age 3 to 6th grade!

Youth Group

Wednesdays, 6:45-8:15 PM

Youth Group meets on Wednesday nights for students in 7th-12 grade.

Women's Bible Studies

Tuesdays, 9:00 AM or 6:30 PM

Thursdays, 6:30 PM

There are several Women's Bible Studies meeting this semester.


College Valentine's

Thursday, February 6

Send some care to our college students by writing a note of encouragement or making a card. Drop off your notes in the church office by February 6, and they will be mailed to our college students for Valentine's Day.


Singles Game Night

Saturday, February 8

All singles are invited to a Game Night at the church on Sunday, February 8 at 6:00 PM! 



Baptism Service

Sunday, February 9

We are excited for our Baptism Service on Sunday, February 9!




Missions Trip Sign Up

Wednesday, February 12

High School students can sign up for the summer missions trip before Youth Group on February 12. See an email from Pastor Shawn for more details.


Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, February 13

We will have an Easter choir that performs for our Easter worship service. Rehearsals will be on Thursdays at 6:00 PM starting February 13. Anyone middle school and older is invited to participate.

Winter Blitz

February 14-16

All 7th-12th grade students are invited to Winter Blitz February 14-16. This annual retreat has a special speaker, music, games and fun! All of the details can be found at the link below.

Cornerstone Bible Study

Sunday, February 16

 All 18-25 year olds are invited to the Cornerstone Young Adult Fellowship Bible Study on the 1st & 3rd Sundays at 5:00 PM at FBC.


Crazy Hair Night

Wednesday, February 19

It's Crazy Hair Night at Awana on Wednesday, February 19! Show us your craziest hair!



Women's Bread Baking 

Saturday, February 22

All women are invited to a Bread Baking Class on Saturday, February 22 at 9:00 AM in the FBC kitchen. There is no cost. Please sign up to attend by February 20.

Worship Night

Sunday, February 23

Join our church family in an evening of worship! The next Worship Night will be Sunday, February 23 at 6:00 PM. There will be a time of worship and some testimonies.


Baby Shower

Monday, February 24

All women are invited to a baby shower on Monday, February 24 at 6:30 PM. Full details can be found in the bulletin.


Family Pizza Night

Wednesday, March 5

The final Family Pizza Night of the school year will be Wednesday, March 5 at 6:00 PM. All Awana & Youth Group families and volunteers are invited to attend. There is no cost and gluten free is available.


No Awana or Youth Group

Wednesday, March 12

There will be no Awana or Youth Group on Wednesday, March 12 due to Spring Break.



VBS Practice

Sunday, March 23

All 6th-12th grade students are invited to help serve at Vacation Bible School. Practices will be on Sundays starting March 23. See the Student Ministries Page for more information.


Easter Worship

Sunday, April 20

Watch for more information about our special services and events for Easter!



Vacation Bible School

June 2-6

Save the dates for Vacation Bible School! Kids entering K-6th in the fall are invited to attend. Watch for more information!

Camping Outing

June 20-22

Save the dates for our annual camping outing at Howell Station at Lake Red Rock!



Golf Outing

Saturday, August 23

Save the date for our annual golf outing at Harvest Point Golf Course. It's a 4-person scramble format with dinner included.



Church Picnic

Sunday, September 21

Save the date for our annual Church Picnic! 



Click the Connection Center button for Event Registration, Volunteer Sign-Ups and our Online Directory